In 1Kings 18:4-39, a contest was called by Prophet Elijah to prove who the true God is. The people had been wavering between God and the demon god Baal. Even if they would want to return to the true God, the meeting point between them and God had been destroyed. For this relationship to be restored, a repair must be effected at the point of meeting. One thing that the Lord would want us to see as part of our discourse is the steps Elijah took before calling on God and getting such an awesome answer. Elijah knew that before God can answer any prayer, there is a need to return to the location of the meeting. When God is set to speak or interract with a person, there is a location. God does not work hapharzadly. That was why in the Old testament, He told the people to worship Him in the place He had chosen to put His name. By the time we got to the New Testament, He declared that we must worship Him in Truth and Spirit - which can only take place in the heart of the person. Friend there ...
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