
Showing posts from February, 2024

Not The Love Of The World

Listening to a Minister of the Lord the other day set me thinking when he said, we must not turn our backs to the world if we desire to win the world over to Christ. He argued that if one keeps associating with them instead of separating from them, they will see that we are not 'different' from them, and they will be encouraged to join us. After all, he continued, they will realise that we love them and are not judging them. Such thinking is wrong and dangerous on many levels as it contravenes the Word of God!  We have not been called to love the world, but to be separate from it, to disciple it for Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 6:7, Matthew 28:18-20). Many like-minded believe that the Church should be more tolerant, and open her doors to more diverse opinions to win the world. Hence, many such ministers preach and sing songs that do not carry the saving power of Jesus Christ, but massage the egos and world views of a worldly-hearted audience, so as to be accepted into their