On a daily basis, as feats are recorded in the technological world, so many people take it as a sign to lower moral standards. And as children of God, so many looking at these feats believe God is lowering His standards, thus anything goes as long as it ‘seemingly’ glorifies God. What exactly glorifies God? That is another topic for another time. However back to our discourse; the Bible makes us to understand that His word is eternal and it stands forever. No wonder God declared that He honors His Word above His name; thus, God’s word is His standard and cannot be lowered for any generation no matter how technologically advanced they are. Jesus Christ in Matthew 3:13-17 went to John to be baptized, John with the mindset of the world that the greater is the one that baptizes, refused as he had recognized and pointed Him out as the Mighty One that will cleanse God’s threshing floor. Christ’s reply was expository - “But Jesus said ’It should be done, for we must carry out all that Go...
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