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Showing posts from February, 2013

Protecting The Anointing

On a daily basis, as feats are recorded in the technological world, so many people take it as a sign to lower moral standards. And as children of God, so many looking at these feats believe God is lowering His standards, thus anything goes as long as it ‘seemingly’ glorifies God. What exactly glorifies God? That is another topic for another time. However back to our discourse; the Bible makes us to understand that His word is eternal and it stands forever. No wonder God declared that He honors His Word above His name; thus, God’s word is His standard and cannot be lowered for any generation no matter how technologically advanced they are. Jesus Christ in Matthew 3:13-17 went to John to be baptized, John with the mindset of the world that the greater is the one that baptizes, refused as he had recognized and pointed Him out as the Mighty One that will cleanse God’s threshing floor. Christ’s reply was expository - “But Jesus said ’It should be done, for we must carry out all that Go...

ST. VALENTINE’s Day Celebration: Begging The Question!

A post once appeared on a Christian website which mirrors the mood of the moment amongst so many Christians: “Does it matter that an ancient festival used to worship pagan gods and promote fertility was adopted by the Church and used to worship the God of the Bible? Does God really care what customs are used to worship and honor Him or what holidays we celebrate?” So many argue that since the end result of these festivals is to worship God, then the purpose have been achieved. Such forget that our God is a God of order. All He had done or ever permitted to be done had been according to divine order. In the Bible, we see how God Himself planned several feasts or celebrations for His own people either as memorials of what He had done or as a prophetic picture of what He will do. In all of these Scriptures, there was no where that we were mandated by Him to set aside a day or days in honor of a man. No matter how diligent the person was, only God rewards such: “Now without faith it i...

The Secret Of Becoming A Prophetic Preacher – J. Lee Grady

What we need in today’s pulpits is less glitz and polish and more gut-level honesty. Ever since God called me to preach, I’ve battled with deep insecurity about my delivery style. I can’t electrify a crowd like T.D. Jakes, pack an arena like Reinhard Bonnke or get audiences to turn sermons into trending topics on Twitter like Craig Groeschel or Steven Furtick. Those guys hit home runs when they preach. I get base hits—or strikes. For years I felt like the reluctant Moses, who complained to God by saying, “Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent” (Ex. 4:10). For years the Lord kept pushing me out of my comfort zone, urging me to surrender my fears so that I would take the microphone willingly. Once He told me: “I didn’t call you to be T.D. Jakes. I called you to be you.” On many occasions after speaking in a church or conference, I would sulk. I battled constant discouragement and wondered if my words had hit the mark. Did I preach OK? Did the message sink in? Finally I ...

No Void

Have you being in a situation where you tried to do well but the people around you kept seeing the good you did as bad? How frustrating can that be? Or you are late for an appointment and your boisterous 3 year old refuses to put on a cardigan despite the cold, your entreating and even scolding? So it was with Christ when the Pharisees said He had driven out demons by the ruler of demons! After telling them how foolish they were for thinking in such a manner, He declared in Matthew 12:36-37 that everyone will give an account for every careless word uttered. For by our words we will either be condemned or acquitted. Now, some of the Pharisees and Scribes not to look put down or foolish asked in verse 38b “…Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” Just like these people, so many today desire a sign in order to believe in Him. Some have even given Him ultimatums or else…! I can imagine Jesus being miffed with the Pharisees and Scribes. He told them that it is an evil and adulterous...