When the Disciples of Christ asked Him to teach them to pray, as He gave them the model for prayer, part of the prayer was “…lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil” (Luke 11:4b). This statement must not be viewed without asking the help of the Holy Spirit to open our hearts to what it means in every situation we find ourselves in order to learn the lessons within. After the baptism of Christ the Bible records that He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. After the days of temptation were over, 40 days and nights in all, one would have thought the enemy would give Him a break. So many times we are led into wildernesses of terrible experiences and challenges as children of God and are tested sorely. For as many that held on in the face of those terrible and dark days never lost sight of God because they believed He was with them and able to see them through the difficult times. No jobs, no admissions, loss of a loved one, marriage and rela...
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