Looking through Scriptures at the lives of the children of Israel, one cannot help but conclude that the workings/miracles of God in their lives and in the lives of others were to the degree to which they submitted to Him. From the widow from Zarephath to the Syrophoenician woman, all opened their hearts and surrendered their will to God; and He did amazing miracles in their lives. Unfortunately in our time, we need the blessings and miracles of God but still holding on to our wills. For the work of salvation to be complete, it was not enough for the Lord Jesus Christ to say He does only what He sees His Father do. He needed to walk the talk! He had to enter the garden of Gethsemane to surrender the totality of Himself in order to put the final nail on the ‘coffin’ of the devil. Without the garden experience, He would not have been able to go to the Cross! If indeed Christ is our example, why do we think we can attain glory, supernatural breakthroughs and feats without going throu...
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