If there was ever a time humanity needed God, it is these times. In man’s quest for perfection and the ultimate prize (whatever that may be), there is a gradual but noticeable drift from what should be to things that were unheard of. We question why there’s such acceleration towards self-destruction but we fail to search out what was before and what made ‘before’ ‘so good’! At a point in time, the children of Israel drifted from the living God and turned to worthless idols, self idolization and the likes. The resultant effect was terrible and the nation is still reeling from the effects till date. These events are recorded in the Scriptures to serve as a reminder to us as to what will happen when we consciously drift from the one true God. You may call this piece religious or fanatic, but the truth is, when a person/nation loses direction as to where he/she is going and lose grip of where he/she had been, s...
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