Experiencing set-backs at work, marriage, relationships, career can be quite devastating; especially if it is a recurrent theme. So many at this point believe it is their lot and God’s final answer to their existence upon the face of the earth. It is simply not true. No matter how many times a lie is repeated, it cannot become the truth! It is said it could be, however, when the truth comes in, the lie disappears. A young lady once remarked to me that the more she prays about the situations she was having, the harder the situations become. If you are in this dilemma, don’t be discouraged and don’t relent either but be diligent in standing in God’s word. The people of Judah in the Scriptures faced a similar dilemma as they sought to rebuild the Lord’s temple after it was destroyed by the Babylonians and they themselves were taken into captivity. After they were given leave to return by king Cyrus, they faced terrible opposition as they started re...
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