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Showing posts from July, 2017

Entitlement Believers

       We live in a time where visuals are used to prove or explain a thing. In fact, if one is proficient in the art of visualizing the concepts one is trying to sell across, there is the high probability that your audience will most likely believe you because they can ‘see’ what you are saying. Because of this wind, so many believers are beginning to think they are entitled to ‘see’ the acts of God first in order to believe Him. Now, as good as this may sound, it negates the whole essence of faith. To such, the definition of faith is ancient because we live in a savvy and technological advanced time than when the Bible was written. Without knowing, they advance the erroneous teaching of entitlement. A teaching that says as children of God they are entitled to everything they want or desire! This is true, but when it is not mixed with humility, obedience to God’s Word, it produces spiritual arrogance with the end result of making the people dependent on the hand of...

God’s Principle And Not Man’s Experience

       Humans go through experiences that shape how they relate with each other and their environment. Some of these experiences may not necessarily be the true picture of events that occurred, but they have erroneously colored the person’s view of such future occurrences. For instance, in some families in this hemisphere, there is a belief that people from certain tribe and culture are predisposed to certain attitudes and behaviors; for that reason they should not be trusted. If one should investigate where this belief originated from, one would find that certain member(s) of, say, tribe A had a fall out with the offending tribe B and they concluded based on this nasty experience that every member of tribe B should not and cannot be trusted. This erroneous attitude of allowing one’s experience shape what they believe in has wormed itself into the Body of Christ. As a result, denominations and factions have been formed out of people’s experiences. People forget that...

What If It Is Not As We Imagined?

      “Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. Knowing therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men…” (2Corinthians 5:9-11a). What if at the end of time we find out that the way we have been doing things that we thought was right is actually deadly wrong? What if we find out that our display of intellect and prowess were just fleshy displays as they do not glorify God as we imagined since the Bible says: “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1Corinthians 10:31)?       Someone said lately that Time is a scarce commodity and must be used well. This statement is true. But when time management has been brought into our worship services, such that most services have become motors run on time sched...