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Showing posts from May, 2018

Ponder On Your Answer

       If you are asked right now, at this moment, Who is Jesus Christ to you and why are you following Him, would you have an acceptable answer? Not acceptable to me of course, but acceptable to the Lord, bearing in mind that our approval is not of any man but of God: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God…” (2Timothy 2:15a). Friend, whether we like it or not, we would have to answer these questions truthfully on our life’s journey. Even right now, without you verbally answering, the way you live reveals the answers and points to your proposed eternal destination; proposed because, if the answers should change along the line from the right one, the eternal destination will change as well. However, the desire of God is for us to love Him by obeying ALL His commands, and to live our lives accordingly: “…If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him” (John 14:23).   S...

A Callous Heart

      One of the truly successful gimmicks of the enemy is to make (through suggestions) the followers of Christ engage in mundane arguments about the Faith that will lead them nowhere but effectively take their eyes off the Truth. This gimmick is very effective as it had distracted so many from receiving revelations and instructions from their Source – God Almighty for their lives! It is true that we live in the world and we must be concerned with the happenings in the world around us especially its politics and policies. The devil understands that if he can distract us long enough to take our eyes off the Lord, we would not get revelations or instructions on how to live well. Sadly in this, it looks like he is winning! For instance, in our neck of the woods, the devil has distracted so many sons of God by throwing up countless inane arguments about Pastors, tithes, their way of life and many more, meanwhile, on a daily basis, people, mostly Christians in our country a...