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Showing posts from January, 2020

Stay Focused

      Last year was quite a turbulent one for quite a number of people. I remember someone telling me, they couldn’t just wait for the year to end; with the hope that the end of year will bring about the end of the many problems she was facing at the time. Running into her a couple of days ago, she remarked she hoped the New Year will be better even though she is still battling the same problems. I told her, emphatically and assuredly that it will be a much better year. Better, for as many that will run in and remain under the Shadow of the Almighty: “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are protected” (Proverbs 18:10). King David understood what this meant. To run in and remain means we must be loyal, and remain so, to the Lord. When we are loyal to the Lord, He in turn is loyal to us: “He is a tower of salvation to His king; He shows loyalty to His anointed, to David and his descendants forever” (2Samuel 22:51). Beloved, perhaps you h...

A Call To The Philly Christians

     As the years pile on each other, the change in environment, politics and the ‘evolution’ in the ‘social stratosphere’ across the globe, one can safely conclude that the earth is positioning itself for something extraordinary to happen. Environmentalists on one hand, argue that the earth needs saving as its resources are depleting and its protective shield failing.   It is clear that the earth is moving towards a certain end. It is as if the earth is in labor and about to give birth! As children of God, as we see these signs happening around us, instead of being afraid or delving further into sin by joining the confused fray, we ought to take a step back and assess our stand as it affects where we would spend eternity. Beloved, eternity is certain! This world is winding down, and the decision of where we would spend eternity is made in the land of the living. Thus, the prayers and wishes for the dead do not change the eternal destination the dead person chose w...