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Showing posts from October, 2020

Who Dictates Your Move?

“There was another famine in the land, in addition to the one that occurred in Abraham’s time. And Isaac went to Abimelech king of the Philistines. The Lord appeared to him and said, ‘Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land that I tell you about; stay in this land as a foreigner, and I will be with you and bless you. For I will give all these lands to you and your offspring, and I will confirm the oath that I swore to your father Abraham’” (Genesis 26:1-3).         One may wonder in his heart why God doesn’t just make all seasons favorable, since He is the God of all seasons. Now, the answer to that dilemma is in the question. All seasons are indeed favorable because each is designed to bring glory to God and to edify man – to point man back to his Creator. The Scripture above opened with “another famine in the land, in addition to…” This means no matter what, as long as we are on this earth, there will always be seasons of plenty, famine, down turns and the...

Are You Light or Darkness? Part 2

       As technological feats increase, many are beginning to turn their gaze away from the true Light. Many feel the supernatural feats and miracles are greatly overrated. For instance, the Bible tells us: “Is anyone among you sick? He should call for the elders of the Church, and they should pray over him after anointing him with olive oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven” (James 5:14-15). But today, if we would be sincere, once one is sick among us, the first thing we do is to take the person to the Hospital or the nearest Clinic. In fact some Pastors when called will advise that the sick person should be taken to the hospital immediately, where they will visit and pray for thereafter!         Some teachings from some Pulpits today tell us to accommodate the behaviors and patterns of the world. According to these teache...