The book of Daniel opens with the account of God handing over the king of Judah, her people, and her treasures to the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar. Those first two verses in the first chapter of Daniel were quite frightening; imagine being handed over to your enemy to be enslaved and or probably killed. Why would God do this to His beloved people? 'Where is His mercy', many cry out today when they read these and many more Scriptures like that. Why would God send His people into slavery and suffering, many yell today, especially in the face of current happenings around the world or in their personal lives. Those that say such are yet to understand the extent of His mercy and love. In His mercy, He gives His people a chance to repent and return to Him because He is holy; and those that must worship Him must do so in holiness. In His love, to experience that life outside of Him is empty and filled with darkness devoid of any fo...
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