A friend called me the other day to announce he is still angry with another friend who failed to apologise to him for the hurt he caused him! I was taken aback at the declaration, as the incident he referred to happened a little over a year ago. This was truly disheartening. I asked him if he was aware if Christ had come within that period, he would not have gone with Him. To him, he felt justified because he was the one that was hurt; and he believed he would have obtained mercy from the Lord! Many wonderful children of God feel this way, especially having gone through a traumatic experience with the one formerly called a brother or sister! The same thing happened to Jesus, Let's see how He handled it! In Matthew 26:17-25, Jesus told His disciples He would be betrayed. They all asked Him if they would be the one. He told the one that would betray Him: "And Judas, the betrayer, said, “Surely it is not I, Rabbi?” Jesus said...
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