To be a true Disciple is not about being in a particular Church, under a particular head or serving in a particular position or section of the Church. To be true is borne out of your heart, not a programme, a fashion, or the like. "And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My disciple], he must deny himself [set aside selfish interests], and take up his cross daily [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me]" (Luke 9:23, AMP). Jesus made the foregoing statement to His disciples. Apart from the 12 He originally chose, many others came to follow Him and to go out to preach the gospel with accompanying signs and wonders. This call to the disciples was to make them decide for themselves: to want to, wish to, desire to, and will to! Despite one's position in societ...
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