As the year closes so many of us have done a soul searching of the year in retrospect and scored ourselves low, thus, hoping and praying to do very well in 2012. This hope will only become a reality if we can truly stand up and begin to adjust in areas of our lives that we did not please God. You might wonder how you would know if you had pleased God. You will know if you are truly born again. Not just mouthing it but living the experience of being born again. We are told in 1 Corinthians 2:15-16 that we have the ability to evaluate everything because we have the mind of Christ. So as not to go through the same route of spiritual, physical and emotional defeat, we must endeavor to remain in the premises of God for the blessings to come. Know this: each blessing of God carries a premise or condition. Once the condition is not met then the blessing is a counterfeit and time will tell it. The Lord is not promising us a problem free year but He tells us not to forget that through the whole...
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