Are you listless when it comes to the things of God? Have you tried everything but can’t seem to find what the root problem is? Are you experiencing a growing appetite for the things of the world? The things you stopped doing as you got to know the Lord more, do you find yourself attracted to them all over again? Are you in the habit of finding excuses to support this attitude and even find excuses to love them as Solomon did with his many foreign wives including the daughter of Pharaoh? Friend, there is a problem! Open your heart and allow the Lord to walk you through this. It is expected of us to increase in the things of God and decrease toward the things of the world. It is not about confessing the Word but by putting into action the Word we confess. To put it into action successfully is to constantly feed on the undiluted Word of God. As we feed daily on physical foods we see results in our physical bodies. When the wrong foods are eaten, we equally see adverse results. Same goe...
A Ministry geared towards bringing the Word of God to the world!