A child of God that carries the life of God without any compromise in this times have always being an enigma to the world and professing Christians alike. It is not enough to profess that we carry this life; it must become our daily lifestyle and reality, not because we want to prove something to the world but because we love and are passionate about God and ALL that concerns Him. We saw this passion in the life of Enoch. Despite the depraved times (he lived in and had a family in those wicked times), he kept the fire of God burning in his heart. God gave an instruction in Leviticus 6: 13 “A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out” . Our hearts is the altar of God now; the fire of God (passion for God) must keep burning on it and must never go out. That fire is the sign that we carry light and life in us. When you see a person without passion for God or the things of God, look for the fire. It is either quenched or about to go out! The testimony of the men o...
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