One of the most awesome qualities about God is His Holiness: it is His nature, the reason why He is the source of light and life. The Seraphim while gazing at Him in Isaiah 6, even with their faces covered with two wings were unable to shield themselves from the penetrating power of the brightness of His Holiness. They could not help but cry out to one another “Holy! Holy! Holy is the Lord God Almighty, the whole earth is full of His Glory” (Isaiah 6: 3b). This also must be the response of our heart as true sons and daughters of the Most High when we truly worship Him in spirit and in truth. Beloved we live in a time that perversity, vulgarity, jesting, foolish talking and uncleanness is regarded as correct and acceptable in the sight of many, while Holiness on the other hand is despised. That which was once sacred and held in reverence has now become the topic for public jesting and mockery. The Lord warned us in 2 Timothy 3:4 (MSG) that in the last days many would become ...
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