Recent happenings around the world
have brought about a lot of adjustments in the lifestyle of many. People have
relocated their homes, businesses and even places of worship to safer locations
for the protection of their lives and property. Security is now said to be a
collective responsibility, not just for the police, but for all. Many go about
their daily activities with a sense of caution. Because they fear anything can
happen at any time, they strive to be at the right place at the right time, and
all these rightly so. But when it comes to applying such level of caution to
their spiritual lives, many seem to be laid back and indifferent. We seem to
forget that man is a spirit, who possesses a soul and lives in a body, thus, when
life ends here on earth it begins somewhere else (John 5:29 and Hebrews 9:7).
In scriptures we see Jesus
speak about His return in a manner that should bring caution and adjustments to
our daily lives too. He said “as it was
in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of man. They ate,
they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark and
the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was in the days of Lot,
they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day Lot went out of Sodom it
rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so it will
be in the day when the Son of man is revealed” (Luke 17:26-30). You will agree
with me that such warnings should have brought reverence for God in the hearts
of the people in Noah’s time, but it didn't! For all of them, it was still
business as usual. God even waited patiently for hundred years while the ark was
being built; they simply ignored Him and kept on walking in their evil ways
until it was too late.
Unfortunately, the same symptoms
of lack of the fear of the Lord are equally evident in our time. There are many
who want all the privileges of a son of God, yet do not want to embrace His
discipline. Beloved we have entered the season of building ‘the ark of our salvation’,
that’s why Jesus Christ in His mercy is beginning to whisper warnings to us of
things that are sure to come, so that we can begin to move with reverential fear
and trembling. People had never seen floods in Noah’s time but rain fell until
it flooded the whole earth, they never saw fire fall from the sky before in
Lot’s time but it fell with brimstone. Heb 11:7 says “Noah being divinely warned of things not yet seen moved with holy fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his
household by which he condemned the world...” As we wait patiently for the Savior, Jesus
Christ, we must all begin to pray for the restoration of the fear of God in our
hearts and of those in our sphere of influence. It is time to truthfully live
up to the truth we have attained in Him (Philippians 3:16). For the man or
woman who would diligently seek God in this season will escape the coming
judgment that is coming in the day the Jesus Christ will be revealed. However,
the Lord makes a solemn promise in Psalm 32:6 for as many that will sincerely
turn to Him: “for this cause everyone who
is godly shall pray to you when you
may be found, surely in a flood of great
waters, they shall not come near him”. God bless you.
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