Looking at the creation story in Genesis chapter 1, one thing that was noticeable is the dynamism. None of the living things were made to remain static but each was to multiply after its kind and fill the earth. This gives us the picture that every living thing is expected to grow. Even as humans, we go through different stages of growth: the morning, noontime and evening. This same principle we see play out as we come into Christ as born-again Christians. It is God’s ultimate goal that we grow into the full stature of Christ. If one is born-again and is not growing in the things of God, something is grossly wrong, and the culprit is the heart. When doubt and disbelief comes into the heart of the person, it chokes out the efficacy of the word heard. As born-again Christians, we must be aware that growing in God is not automatic but a conscious walk and push towards growth: “And the seeds th...
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