A young lady remarked the other day that God does not love the world because of the terrible things that were happening in several parts of the world. She concluded that humans were created to amuse God and are pawns in His heavenly chess game! I was taken aback at this false summation. When we go through Scriptures, we see the face of a loving Creator that left His glory and splendor in Heaven to come to a planet filled with all manner of vices to die for the humans in order for them to have better lives. This cannot be done except the Creator has love! No other god in history has ever done that or has the intention of doing that. Rather, they treat their adherents as pawns in the chess game ‘they’ play. The Almighty God loves us unconditionally and for that reason came and died in our place so we could have an abundant life here on earth and an everlasting life with Him for all eternity. There are no ‘hidden charges or hidden conditions’ to th...
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