Learn To Know And Recognize His Voice For Yourself!

As we run the course of life, one thing that we must continually crave is the unadulterated spiritual milk of Christ (1Peter 2:2), so that we may continually grow as we offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God. As our spiritual man grows it becomes evidenced in our physical bodies. No wonder we battle with certain decisions because we are still infantile in our spiritual man. For instance, a growing spiritual man will not even consider going into marriage with an unbeliever no matter how much the circumstances weigh on such. The Bible tells us that we carry the Spirit of God in us as a deposit for the life to come (2Corinthians 1:22); it becomes ridiculous when such carrier is unable to recognize the spirit at work in another vessel. Friend, once your inside man is in agreement with God, the power of recognition is released to you. The way Jesus Christ recognized Nathanael and Elizabeth recognized and acknowledged the Baby in the womb of Mary before anyone knew about it so you would recognize who your spouse and or what decision you should make. If you still need someone to point this out for you, then how would you recognize and hear the trumpet sound on that DAY? If truly you have received Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior then you must enter the next level of knowing and recognizing Him. The pews are filled with believers that barely know or recognize the voice of the Lord they profess to worship. It is important in this age of deceit and falsehood to learn to know and recognize His voice by spending time with Him on a regular basis not just when there is a problem. Mary at a teenage age was able to recognize the Angel Gabriel as being from God despite the fact that his words were strange (Luke 1:26-38). Hannah recognized the voice of the Lord in Eli and left her praying position justified and convinced. Friend, we must feed and feed right like a new born infant. Have you noticed that newborn infants seem to always be hungry? So we must crave the Lord; He has promised that when we do this, we will be filled – even as we share with others that which He releases to us in order to be filled again and again. As we do this, He teaches us how to recognize His voice: “The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are instructed to know how to sustain the weary with a word. He awakens me each morning. He awakens my ear to listen like those being instructed. The Lord has opened my ear…” (Isaiah 50:4-5a). God bless you as you apply your hearts to His word.


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