As we await the return of the King of kings, Jesus Christ, a lot of teachings are being packaged by hell to draw the heart of God’s sons from the great Day. These teachings have lured so many to serve things and not the Almighty God. Principles are formulated with foundations that are not biblical but have a semblance of coming from God. The Bible clearly warns us to be on our guard in this times in order not to fall prey to the deceiving spirits that have been unleashed by hell: “Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elemental forces of the world and not based on Christ” (Colossians 2:8). These teachings are cleverly packaged to entice the sensibilities and they carry a semblance of truth but are in reality far from the TRUTH! The enemy has finally unleashed his deadliest weapons to drive deeply into the hearts of men these terrible perversions through high sounding rhetoric; thus desensitizing them ag...
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