As we await the return of the King
of kings, Jesus Christ, a lot of teachings are being packaged by hell to draw
the heart of God’s sons from the great Day. These teachings have lured so many
to serve things and not the Almighty God. Principles are formulated with
foundations that are not biblical but have a semblance of coming from God. The Bible
clearly warns us to be on our guard in this times in order not to fall prey to
the deceiving spirits that have been unleashed by hell: “Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit
based on human tradition, based on the elemental forces of the world and not
based on Christ” (Colossians 2:8). These teachings are cleverly packaged to
entice the sensibilities and they carry a semblance of truth but are in reality
far from the TRUTH! The enemy has finally unleashed his deadliest weapons to
drive deeply into the hearts of men these terrible perversions through high
sounding rhetoric; thus desensitizing them against the things of God. No wonder
a lot of congregations believe so much in their pastors rather than the Word of
God. It is true that we must believe them, but it must be according to how they
themselves believe and follow God. Unfortunately, wholesome messages that point
out the ills of the heart that may derail a man from the right path are laughed
at and labeled judgmental. ‘Fantastic’ messages, sprinkled here and there with
the word of God are applauded, sold to the people and the people gobble them
down without thought as to their foundation. These messages have succeeded in
creating gods for the unsuspecting people.
A lot of people now serve a semblance of God and not the true God! Sins
that were clearly forbidden are now being ‘accommodated’. It is even preached
now that the ‘church is evolving’; by extension, God’s word is evolving. This
is a terrible lie from the pit of hell! God’s word is the same yesterday, today
and forever. God, His Word and principles DO NOT EVOLVE! No wonder vices are on
the increase in the world, and foolishly children of God blame governments and
the society.
Be watchful, a different gospel powered by a different god is
being churned out to unsuspecting congregants. For instance, it is true that it
is our right as sons of God to live in divine health and wealth; but all these
must not be raised above the well being of our souls. If I may ask, how well is
your soul? What have you been feeding it with? Is it as wealthy and healthy as
your outer man or it is weak and impoverished? Friend, if you still struggle to
do the right thing and most times find yourself doing the opposite, then
something is still fundamentally wrong with your soul. The truth is whom you
serve and focus on determines the health of your soul. When the things of the
world sprinkled with God’s word are hyped to a platform where they dictate the
way we live, rather than God’s word doing the dictating, then it is not well
with the soul. Just before Joshua was going to depart the world, he reminded
the Israelites their journey with the Lord and asked them to choose whom they
will serve (Joshua 24:14-28). They chose to serve God; he then told them to put
away all their idols or they will incur the wrath of God. Friend, Jesus is
coming back again. It is no longer a case of “if” but “when”. And we know from
Scriptures that Christ is not coming for a denomination, Cathedral, Ministries
and the likes, rather He is coming for individual souls. If we believe that,
then our preoccupation is to prepare our souls such that we will not be ashamed
on that DAY, thus: “And everyone who has
this hope in Him purifies himself just as He is pure” (1John 3:3).
Therefore, make up your mind today who you want to serve. If it is God, then
walk in a manner that is acceptable to Him: “…In
truth, I understand that God doesn’t show favoritism, but in every nation the
person who fears Him and does righteousness is acceptable to Him” (Acts
10:34b-35). Return to Him to help you as you take the decision to stand with
Him. God bless you.
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