A strange wind is blowing across the lands and only the discerning are able to tell. Things that were unheard of in the Body of Christ are slowly becoming the norm and so many either shrug their shoulders or just pretend not to notice since it does not affect them. We seemed to have forgotten why God put the Body together in the first place: “So if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it” (1corinthians 12:26). Friend, this is the time to not only stand up in prayers for our country but to equally stand up in prayers for the Ministers of the Gospel of Christ. Not a time for us to gloat and trample down those that have fallen or stumbled amongst us or to prove our theories right about them! Let us re-examine ourselves as Ministers of the Gospel! Jesus Christ told His Disciples that we (His children) are the salt and light of the earth; not just for t...
A Ministry geared towards bringing the Word of God to the world!