A strange wind is blowing across the
lands and only the discerning are able to tell. Things that were unheard of in
the Body of Christ are slowly becoming the norm and so many either shrug their
shoulders or just pretend not to notice since it does not affect them. We
seemed to have forgotten why God put the Body together in the first place: “So if one member suffers, all the members
suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it”
(1corinthians 12:26). Friend, this is the time to not only stand up in prayers
for our country but to equally stand up in prayers for the Ministers of the
Gospel of Christ. Not a time for us to gloat and trample down those that have
fallen or stumbled amongst us or to prove our theories right about them!
Let us
re-examine ourselves as Ministers of the Gospel! Jesus Christ told His
Disciples that we (His children) are the salt and light of the earth; not just
for the Body of Christ and our immediate environments but for the WHOLE EARTH!
He stated that when that same salt loses its saltiness (strength and quality),
there is only one option; it should be thrown out and trampled on by men
because it is not fit for the soil or even the manure pile (Matthew 5:13-16 and
Luke 14:34). The same thing being the light; the responsibility is upon the
Believer to: “Take care then that the
light in you is not darkness” (Luke 11:35). Paul by the Holy Spirit warned
us to live a life that is pleasing to our Commander in Chief: “To please the recruiter, no one serving as
a soldier gets entangled in the concerns of everyday life” (2Timothy 2:4).
Unfortunately, this present day, so many Ministers are living their lives and
coordinating their ministries to please themselves and the powers that be. So many
pulpits have become tools of the government or the opposition and thus used to
drag each other down. This is a terrible distraction that draws the focus of
the lion from the prey. Our Father and Commander in Chief is the Lion of the
Tribe of Judah and as His cubs our voices must ring out over the mountains that
seek to drag men into bondage and darkness. Unfortunately, the things of the
world have spread their nets to entrap and ensnare some of the lions: “…so (their) roar could no longer be heard
on the mountains of Israel” (Ezekiel 19:9b).
No wonder the Body of Christ
is under siege because we forgot that our verbal and non-verbal communication
goes a long way to either advance the Kingdom of God or not. As a Minister of
God, you owe it to your congregants to live and speak the truth in clear terms
and not ambiguously expecting them to go figure out the truth for themselves!
Jeroboam and six kings that ruled after him did just that and the children of
Israel paid dearly for it. Friends, the Lord Jesus Christ knew that such days
as these will come when Ministers will make pronouncements or live lives that
are in direct contrast to the Word of God. Thus, He declared: “In the same way, every good tree produces
good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad
fruit; neither can a bad tree produce good fruit…So you’ll recognize them by
their fruit” (Matthew 7:17-20). As a minister of God you may fake the gifts
of God (even that has a time stamp), but you cannot fake the fruits!
Oh child
of God, your success in Ministry is not dependent on the ‘things’ owned but the
fruits which are an evidence of your relationship with Jesus Christ. A Day is
coming and it is almost here, where all, both great and small will be rewarded
by the Lord: “Look! I am coming quickly,
and My reward is with Me to repay each person according to what he has done”
(Revelation 22:12). It is time to put the distractions aside and do the
business we have been mandated to do which is the sacrosanct reason for God
putting us on the earth in the first place. Friend, everything God created (and
He created ALL things) was for His pleasure; thus a man that lives for himself
actually has no reason for living. Therefore, let us truly join Jesus Christ and
produce fruits that will bring glory and praise to Him! God bless you.
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