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Showing posts from January, 2017

Enough Of The Anger

      I don’t know if you have noticed that there are a lot of angry people shouting and yelling about one thing or the other; most are angry because things are not going the way they expect, so they lash out at those they feel are stopping them from getting their desired results. This has given rise to a large dose of apathy in the air: So many want their views respected without a care for their opponents opinions or feelings. One can understand this attitude with the world as it is the way of the devil, but when this trait is exhibited in the Church, it calls for concern. It is a terrible spirit and the door through which it came in must be shut in Jesus Christ name.         The Bible tells us: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1). Please note the word ‘unity’, it is not ‘uniformity’. Even if we have different methods (as dictated by God’s word), our goal is and must be to reign with...

Our Spirit Intertwine With The Lord

      So many entered this year with so much hope that their fortunes will turn for the good this year; optimistic that the year will bring great and pleasant surprises their way. However, some saints entered with so much pain, as whole families were wiped out by brigands and the enemies of the Cross. One wonders how one can minister to such hearts carrying such awful and terrible pain. But our Father in Heaven, that sits above all the affairs of people is aware of all that has happened, happening and will happen. From Him we draw sustenance and hope that even in these times, He will see us through and we will win because He had already won the battle. It is unfortunate, that these happenings are causing the strong to stammer and stumble on their faith.          Horation Spafford penned a hymn that went on to be one of the greatest hymns of our time: ‘It is well with my soul’. Singing the song, one would wonder the pain that he must have gone t...

Producing Good And Lasting Fruits

          These times are indeed tough and increasingly difficult to truly be a child of God. Anyway…no matter how tough these times are, God expects us to shine as bright as the stars in our faith because Grace and strength is released to as many that call upon Him. We are in this race on earth to bear fruit, lasting ones for that matter; that will bring glory and honor to our Father in Heaven – it is our mandate! However, as a child of God, can you honestly say the fruit you produce on a daily basis is a testament of your sound relationship with God? Is the fruit good and would it last? You might argue that this is being judgmental but the Bible warns us to: “Examine and test and evaluate your own selves to see whether you are holding to your faith and showing the proper fruits of it . Test and prove yourselves [not Christ]…” (2 Corinthians 13:5a). In the business world for instance, organizations are in the business to make profit, thus, that desire to ensu...

Let Go Of Those Past Weights

         And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the skins burst, the wine spills out, and the skins are ruined. But they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved” (Matthew 9:17). This year unlike the past years is different, not because it is the usual rhetoric but looking at the configuration of the months especially the month of February, it is clear that it will be an unusual year with unusual moves in the spirit realm. Only the discerning in these times will understand and be able to successfully negotiate the waters. Those that desire this move of God in order for them to operate in the next level with Him must do away with past weights, attitudes and practices that negate the principles of Jesus Christ. If you believe by faith that God has begun a new thing in your life, then, you must do away with past hurts, anger, bitterness, carnality and every appearance of evil as these will be inimical to God’s move in your life....