I don’t know if you have noticed that there are a lot of angry people shouting and yelling about one thing or the other; most are angry because things are not going the way they expect, so they lash out at those they feel are stopping them from getting their desired results. This has given rise to a large dose of apathy in the air: So many want their views respected without a care for their opponents opinions or feelings. One can understand this attitude with the world as it is the way of the devil, but when this trait is exhibited in the Church, it calls for concern. It is a terrible spirit and the door through which it came in must be shut in Jesus Christ name. The Bible tells us: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1). Please note the word ‘unity’, it is not ‘uniformity’. Even if we have different methods (as dictated by God’s word), our goal is and must be to reign with...
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