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Showing posts from July, 2020

In Times Like These: Remain Standing And Strong!

“Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong” (1Corinthians 16:13, NLT).       Despite the persecutions of Christians around the world, a recent poll shows that Christianity is growing in leaps and bounds around the globe, with many coming to Christ. It is like the more they try to kill the Way, the more the Way thrives. Just as this is happening, there is an equally growing apathy towards the things of God by some that are already in the faith. There is something not too right with the above picture: On one hand, the Way is growing in leaps and bounds with people being added to the Kingdom despite the persecutions, while on the other hand, the attitude/character of some in the Body is causing others to question their faith. The question we ought to ask ourselves as sons of God is, why should the character/attitude of another in the faith discourage me in the faith? For the one questioning his faith, such should look at the point of his joining wit...

In Times Like These – Love!

      Seriously, I wonder how Jesus Christ would have felt and reacted if He lived in these times. One may argue that some of the things happening now were happening even then. True! There is so much hatred in the air fueling killings, hate speech and the likes. It is as if the gates of hell are thrown wide open, spewing out terrible demons of hate, with those of racism, tribalism and every form of corruption in tow. And death is marketed subtly as the answer to many uncomfortable conditions people find themselves.  So many have become deadened to what is right, such that they have become poster children for the demented works of darkness. Those that should know better because of their encounter with Christ have allowed the glittering lights of the treasures of the world to hoodwink their hearts and minds. Jesus Christ told His disciples (us inclusive), to follow His example in living, and if need be, in dying also. He said: “As the Father has loved Me, I have also...