I was in a meeting some time ago, and the preacher said something that sounded old school at the time. He said, ‘we need to return to the old-time religion when gospel songs were all about God’. Of course in our time now, the term ‘religion’ rubs us off in a wrong way as its definition is the opposite of Who God is. But I believe that was not what the preacher meant. He was not advocating ‘religious’ songs, but songs that were hymnal in nature – songs that solely focused on God (the nature of God)! I saw that the statement did not go down well with most of the congregants as they were murmuring. After the service, I spoke to a sister to know why she murmured during that part of the teaching, and she said those old-time songs are boring and lack life! Wow! This got me thinking and pondering on what the difference could be between most of the popular mainstream present songs and the old-time hymnal-like songs. After all, they wer...
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