I was in a prayer meeting a while back and the Sister that led the worship was incredible. Her voice, the songs, and passion were ethereal. In fact, one would say she brought down the very Host of Heaven into the meeting. The Presence of God was so heavy in the meeting, it was awesome! It was a Prayer meeting to remember as God moved mightily among us; indeed, the Glory of God filled the room and all agendas as to what to do next were thrown out of the window.
In retrospect, when I ponder on the meeting, it was not the songs (as they were popular), her voice (like any other seemingly good voice), her presence (she was not fantastic looking) that ushered in God’s Presence, it was her heart – a heart of worship! She knew her call and she operated in it. Sadly, so many singers and songs in the Body of Christ today draw attention to themselves and the worshippers rather than to the One Who is supposed to be worshipped. She did not need to cajole, yell or threaten anyone to stand or worship! The Bible tells us clearly that when we lift Him up, He will draw all people to Himself (John 12:32). Please understand that the drawing of people is to HIMSELF and not to a particular Church or denomination! This means He will do this by Himself, He does not need us to cajole people into His Presence, He is capable of bringing them in Himself! All He needs is for us to lift Him up in our lives, through our worship and service to Him!
This experience reminded me of the Scripture: “Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And He chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the Presence of God” (1Corinthians 1:26-29, NLT). Beloved, what is that call of God that is tugging at your heartstrings? It may look to you as not glamorous or public so you neglected it. God wants you to consider it again and do it with all your heart, then see Him show up through you for His people!
The difference between the singers that use razzmatazz to cajole the people to dance and sing to physical exhaustion without anything to show for it at the end, and the one that sings without struggle and the atmosphere is spiritually and physically changed with people entering the very Presence of God is their HEART CONDITION! A heart that is lifted up in pride will always stand against God! Your singing is meant to be a ministration/service to God and not entertainment for the people! A heart that yields to God in submission is the one Heaven responds to: “…I will look favorably on this kind of person; one who is humble, submissive in spirit, and who trembles at My Word” (Isaiah 66:2b).
You may have been called to man the door of the Ministry/Church, to pray, to make sure the Room/Hall is kept clean, and in so many diverse capacities, whatever you have been called to do, do it with the whole of your heart. Everything God does has a pattern and a purpose – there is a method to it that may defy rational explanation! For instance, who knows, maybe as you clean the auditorium, you are actually cleaning the mess out of your life; as you pray for others, God is fixing all that concerns you or as you play those drums, God is deafening the ears of the agents of darkness that have arrayed themselves against you? Remember, your call is not because you were qualified, but God wants to display His mercy, might, forgiveness, faithfulness, love, His nature through you to His people; but first for you.
Therefore, stand up, return to His Presence let Him teach you how to serve Him acceptably. This honor/call is not of you but of Him that called you in his mercy and love, and maybe, it is the key to the door you have been praying to open! God bless you as you consider that call again.
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