The world system says knowledge is power. Meaning when you are aware of a thing, it is near impossible to be overcome by it. With this knowledge, one can influence or change his/her situation. If we believe this to be true, why do we think this idea do not apply to the things of God? Now, the knowledge of God we have is by faith. Sadly, many have misconstrued faith to be blissfully ignorant of God’s commands, expecting things around them to change and work-out for them, according to some imagined concepts in their mind. Knowledge without application is useless, powerless and of no benefit to the bearer. Adam was told: “ But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die” (Genesis 2:17). His and the woman’s failure to appropriate (apply/own) this knowledge cost them the Garden. If we know the tools/skills we need to affect our space without appropriating ...
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