We are living in times when the Scriptures are truly unfolding in our times. The happenings throughout history have been mentioned in one form or the other in the Bible. We may choose to disbelieve this but it doesn't detract from the truth. One curious thing that is playing out now before our very eyes was what happened when Jesus healed the demoniac man in Mark 5. Jesus asked him his name. I believe he was asking for the man's given name. But he was so far gone from him being possessed by the enemy, that he gave the enemy's name instead. He said: "What is your name? He asked him. 'My name is Legion', he answered Him, 'because we are many" (Mark 5:9). Some years ago, looking at the Scripture, we would feel how sorry the state of the man was. The question in many minds was, how can one person be many?! Of course, we know it is because of the many demons that resided in him. But it was incredulous. Curiously today, many that h...
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