We are living in times when the Scriptures are truly unfolding in our times. The happenings throughout history have been mentioned in one form or the other in the Bible. We may choose to disbelieve this but it doesn't detract from the truth. One curious thing that is playing out now before our very eyes was what happened when Jesus healed the demoniac man in Mark 5. Jesus asked him his name. I believe he was asking for the man's given name. But he was so far gone from him being possessed by the enemy, that he gave the enemy's name instead. He said: "What is your name? He asked him. 'My name is Legion', he answered Him, 'because we are many" (Mark 5:9).
Some years ago, looking at the Scripture, we would feel how sorry the state of the man was. The question in many minds was, how can one person be many?! Of course, we know it is because of the many demons that resided in him. But it was incredulous. Curiously today, many that have deviated from the path of humanity and Christ, choose to call themselves by this name. And one wonders, grammar aside, how can one person be many, and choose to live like that?
Sadly, we know they are not in their right senses because only One person is permitted to live in us, and that is the Holy Spirit. However, for this reason, we do not refer to ourselves in the plural because He lives in us. We refer to ourselves as one with Him - unity! But when you have to refer to yourself in the plural, because it is fashionable to do so, then something(s) else lives in you, and has bonded with you! Thus, you are many! This is not fashion nor is it technology. This is the devil trying to rewrite the story of man!
Sadly, this form of madness is slowly swallowing the world and we think we can tolerate or accommodate it. I wonder what the men of old will call this generation now if they were to see it. Beloved, do not buy into the madness of the present times that seek to rewrite the Scriptures, our sense of right and wrong, morality and humanness. God is good and all that He created is good! People's spiritual blindness and love of the flesh have made man give way to the onslaught of darkness.
Beloved, you are beautiful and fearfully made in His image. If you allow Him into your heart, you become One with Him, just as He is One with the Father and the Holy Spirit: "For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are One" (1John 5:7), NOT MANY, BUT ONE! Don't allow the enemy to becloud your mind with confusing and deadly thoughts that look like they have a semblance of sense. "So think about the good things that are there in heaven above. Do not think only about things that are on the earth. Remember that your old nature has died. God is keeping your new life safe with Christ. You have that new life because you belong to Christ..." (Colossians 3:2-4a, EASY).
All you have to do, if you are not yet One with Jesus Christ is to open the door of your heart to Him, and invite Him into your life. "Behold, I'm standing at the door, knocking. If your heart is open to hearing My voice and you open the door within, I will come into you and feast with you, and you will feast with Me" (Revelation 3:20, TPT).
Beloved, don't allow the enemy to remould you into a creature of amusement for him and his demons to bring shame and discredit to the Kingdom of God! God bless you as you stand your ground and remain committed to the Lord Jesus Christ as we await His Return!
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