As the world spirals to a close and many in the Church are trying to play 'catch-up' with it, one can only wonder, do these children of God trying to play 'catch up' truly know and understand the God they claim to serve? Many, in trying to fit into the mold of the world are quick to come up with excuses for the people outside of the Kingdom, so such do not feel condemned or left out. Of course, these children of God don't want to come across as being judgmental or critical of their sinning neighbors and friends. Sadly, under our watch, because of this tolerance for evil and the works of darkness, many things that ought to be seen as sin are renamed to make them tolerable! We forgot that our mandate was for us to go make 'disciples' of the nations, to teach them the life of Christ. Sadly, the world is the one mentoring the sons of God to be 'like' them because of their successes, especially in the financial field! It then become...
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