Every day in this part of the world, it has become a norm to wake up daily to stories of killings, kidnappings, corruption, and the like. This evil has slowly become a norm such that people are no longer shocked to hear about the senseless killings and wanton destruction of lives and property. As a result of this unpleasantness, and the imminent threat to break down of law and order, we see the police and the army always dressed as if they are in a battle or about entering into one. They certainly cannot wait until the crisis is upon them before they go get dressed in the proper gear. There is a message in this for us as sons of God, if we would be like the sons of Issachar, to discern the times. The Bible already warned us that the last days, which we are currently in, will be filled with violence and will be difficult: "But understand this, that in the last days, dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [diffic...
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