The Power of Obedience

The concept of obedience can be quite difficult to grasp. A lot in diverse relationships wonder why they should obey, especially when they have no regard for the one giving the orders. However, when you look at the concept again as laid down by God, one could safely conclude that obedience from the perspective of God is to be borne from a heart of love. For instance, the story of creation in the Bible is very instructional as it reveals the power of obedience as the Lord would want it. The earth, firmaments, lights and all created beings came to be by the command of God. Nothing on earth could be compared to the beauty of the stars, the moon or the skies: In their magnificence they teach us one great lesson - obedience. I dare say there is beauty in an obedient life!  
In Genesis 1:14 & 15, God commanded the lights in the sky to define the day, nights, and to foretell seasons, days and years. Since the beginning of time, they have not ceased in carrying out this instruction. Can you imagine a world if the sun, moon, stars and the skies were to go completely against this command? It would disrupt, distort and destroy a lot of things. In fact life on earth will be impossible. Man that is created in the image and likeness of God on the other hand has failed in obeying His laid down instructions. The return of Jesus Christ cannot be refuted, it is evidenced with events around the world testifying to this truth; but the sons of God are not preparing. When a king is returning to his land after a long sojourn in a far country, the subjects of necessity must prepare to welcome him back. For us, the only preparation asked by the Lord Jesus Christ is to walk in obedience to every of His command: by living a life of holiness and righteousness! Only when we live in this manner can we fulfill our purpose and ministry upon the face of the earth. Remember, obedience is borne out of a heart of love. Our walk with the Master is not of fear of judgment and trepidation but of love, only then can we truly obey Him (John 14:15).
1 John 3:24 clearly teaches us that only in continual walk in the commands and instructions of God that He will remain in us and we in Him. The end result will be a life of holiness, righteousness and maturity in the things of God. Therefore we must of a necessity, in this times of great wickedness totally live a life guided absolutely by His word, so that when He comes, like the sun in its entire splendor, we would shine and rule with Him for all eternity. Hallelujah!  God bless you.


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