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It Is Time To Raise A Cry For Nigeria!

 "The voice said, “Cry out!” And he said, “What shall I cry?” “All flesh is grass, And all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, Because the breath of the Lord blows upon it; Surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever” (Isaiah 40:6-8). 
       Listening to a brother detailing how Nigeria will be great again because it was foretold decades ago, I quieted down in my spirit to listen to him. According to him, the prophecies of old say that Nigeria will become a beacon of God's light to the rest of the world as they carry His Word to the rest of the world, especially in Africa. He enumerated the many qualities of Nigeria, especially the spiritual significance of her position within the continent of Africa. She will be used by God to trigger the last move of revival in the last days, he continued. 
       I listened attentively, fascinated, filled with hope and at the same time, with a feeling of disquietness in my spirit. Fascinated because the dark clouds over the nation will soon be lifted; disquieted because there is more to the clouds lifting than meets the eye! Thus, I was waiting for him to enunciate how all these will take place. I asked! And he answered, when the right leadership is at the helm of affairs! This threw me back. How can all these powerful prophecies be hinged on a change of leadership from a rogue government to a 'right one'? 
       Since we are children of God, let's go back to our manual (God's Word) to find out how we got into this mess in order to dig ourselves out of it. Many like this brother believe once there is a change of guard to the 'right one' in Aso Rock (the seat of Nigeria's government) everything will fall into place. These forget that a nation always deserve its leaders. A rogue government is in place because the people have become rogues to God! No government can be in a position except God permits it! For God to have permitted this and locked up every way of changing this dastardly position despite the prayers, cries, night vigils and curses of many children of God, points to the fact that something is missing, and God is the One at the root of this! No amount of protests, revolutions or civil disobedience can change this, no matter what the civil, social and religious activists say. 
       As long as the spiritual atmosphere of the Country remain the same, the Nation is in for a long ride under a wicked and heartless rogue government! Throughout Scriptures, when we see a Nation in dire straits as we are in this nation, it means the Nation has sinned, and is under God's judgment! The Bible tells us that when we turn away from Him, everything that ought to be a blessing for us become a curse (Deuteronomy 28:15-19). Sadly, while the Church in the country bickers and fights who is wrong or right on mundane matters that are of no eternal value, the unbelieving mock the Church, that the prayers for the Country over the years had not worked. Thus gives credence to their beliefs that our God is not real or the 'Christian white God' does not exist! 
       Beloved, this unanswered prayer is as a result of the sin of the Nation! It is not about individual sin, but what we have accepted collectively as a Nation and as a Church. Have you not seen that things have become hard, whether for the Believer or unbeliever: "And your heavens which are over your head shall be bronze, and the earth which is under you shall be iron" (Deuteronomy 28:23)? You may argue you do not operate under the economy of the Nation as your papas and mamas have taught you, good for you! Many true children of God have testified that when they pray concerning their personal things, God answers, but has refused to answer them concerning the Nation. In fact many Congregations pray less and less for the Nation and more and more for themselves! 
       Beloved, it is time to WAKE UP!!! God is not answering because there is sin in the land. Unfortunately, the sin is growing and getting more brazen by the day. It is mind-boggling that a Nation that claims to be spiritual with so many of our Pastors, Bishops and Apostles who are world renowned Teachers, is in this state, and for this long. Many parts of the Nation have Churches, prayer houses, Ministries in almost every street; yet they do not see and understand that God abhors sin! A Nation that is steeped in sin will be judged without any show of favoritism! 
        Many will refute this in the Church because many Churches have been taken over with "bless me" clubs, Pulpits taken over by the spirit of mammon, men of God occupied with quest for fame, affluence, wealth beyond their imagination, the occult, evil rituals, hardness of hearts, rapes, sodomy, closet homosexuals and the like! Do you not know that if the Church of God in any Nation sneezes, the Nation catches cold? As a result, the land is riddled with brazen paedophiles, sodomy, sexual desires for strange flesh, cross-dressers, rapes, murders, spouse swapping, orgies and the like! THIS IS A TERRIBLE STENCH BEFORE THE LORD! And as long as the Church in Nigeria continue to play the ostrich, these evils are on the increase, with many more abhorrent behaviors that are beyond comprehension considering we believe we are 'spiritual'! 
       Most Teachers of the Word in the country have watered down the Word of God, and sprinkled their 'teaching' with a hefty dose of worldliness. Thus producing stubborn, hard-hearted and excuse searching Unbelieving Believers, who believe they can do as they please and get away with it! Beloved Church of God in Nigeria, we desire a change? Then with one voice, we must cry out to the LORD in REPENTANCE! Not the prayers of mockery that is being raised by the government! We must rise so that the 'donkeys will not rebuke the madness of the prophets' as we are beginning to see! 
       Beloved, God is set to answer us and do something about our Nation by placing us on the right path! But we must first acknowledge our sin, wake up, stand up and REPENT: "If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14, AMPC). Enough of raising powerless and worldly congregations that know next to nothing about WHO GOD TRULY IS; that He hates sin, and all sinners will perish! 
       The prophecies of old will not come to pass if we do NOT REPENT: "If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted, and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it" (Jeremiah 18:7-10, NIV). 
      Beloved, start where you are, in your respective Churches, Fellowships, Home Cells, Study and Prayer Groups...Let's stand in the gap for our Nation by raising A CRY OF REPENTANCE - tearing our hearts (humble ourselves) before the LORD. May the LORD look with mercy upon us and restore us back to Himself as a Nation, in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST, Amen!!! God bless you!


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