Except God’s will becomes yours you cannot receive revelations from Him that will help you in this journey of life. You may know and be able to quote a lot of Scriptures, do all the right things; except your will is subsumed in God’s they are just mere words and activities. When a person is outside the will of God such cannot do well neither can such finish well. So many teach and believe that their strength and intellect will determine how they live and will end. Unfortunately, we have seen over and over again that is not the case; everything concerning a man is not at his prerogative but God’s. No wonder when Job had an encounter with the Almighty God he repented in dust and ashes of the harsh words he had spoken concerning Him. If a person had not had encounter with God, he believes all he needs is in his hands and that is what will determine his end. You may do awesome and great things but your end is determined by your stand with God. No wonder the Psalmist said in Psalm 33:16-1...
A Ministry geared towards bringing the Word of God to the world!