The times we are in are not only distracting
but quite deceptive. As children of God it takes a discerning and wise heart to
navigate through the murky waters of this world. However, the Lord has placed
abundant opportunities in our path but only the discerning and steadfast heart will
locate it and be able to live in it. Thus,”Pay
careful attention, then, to how you walk – not as unwise people but as wise –
making the most of the time, because the days are evil. So don’t be foolish,
but understand what the Lord’s will is.” Ephesians 5:15-17. There is
emphasis on us in times like this to pay careful attention to everything that
concerns us. We cannot afford to live thoughtlessly but aspire to know what the
will of the Lord is and do it. What may seem good in our eyes may not
necessarily be the will of the Lord for us. A lesson can be learned from the
story of the three wise men (The Magi) in the nativity story found in Matthew
2:1-12. The Bible tells us that these wise men saw a star representing the
birth of a great King in Judea and came to locate Him in order to worship Him. However,
due to their mindset that the King will be naturally born in the palace, they
headed for Jerusalem, the city of Kings. So many people believe there are
certain locations they must be in for success to locate them; these locations
are chosen based on their ideas and worldly reasoning. The truth however is
that most locations peddled by the world are not necessarily the place God had
earmarked for us to be blessed. It might look right, have the right ambience,
in fact everything that governs the place points to sure successes for us but Heaven
might be saying something totally different. Some have even went ahead to
preach that no matter where you are, once you have the right idea, the place
you are in will be a haven. If this were true, then we would not need faith and
God will not emphasize to us that without Him we can bear no fruit. You might
argue that He has given us all the necessary materials - all we have to do is to
sow an idea. But friend, He must teach you which idea to sow, where to sow it
and He is the one that will send both the early and latter rain to water the ground
so the seed could bear fruit. No matter how much you work the Land, if He does
not cause the seed to grow, that would be the end of the seed. We cannot live
our lives based on our own ideas or principles but our lives must be guided by
His Mighty Hand or we will be in big trouble. Friend, ideas do not affect our
destinies, only the Word of God does. Our destinies are embedded in the Word of
God not the other way round. The wise men followed the star and instead of
following it to its resting place they allowed their minds tell them the next
logical step to take. Immediately they entered Judea, they headed straight for
the city of kings – Jerusalem! Alas, the King they were seeking was not there!
Friend, where exactly are you located? Where you are right now and doing what
you are doing on whose directives? How did you get to that location? Sadly, if
you are not where you ought to be located, the blessings earmarked for you will
not reach you and you cannot fulfil your purpose. Even if it does, it is but a
fraction of what you should get and be. When the Scriptures were searched they
discovered that Bethlehem (a lowly place) and not Jerusalem was where the great
King will be born. Are you in ‘Jerusalem’ and hoping things will turn out well
for you? Friend it is time to stand up and by the Spirit of God locate your ‘Bethlehem’
(land of bread – abundance) so as not to short-circuit your destiny and the
blessings God had prepared for you before the beginning of time. The grace to
do this is released to you in Jesus Christ name. God bless you.
Have you ever visited a quarry site and considered the process the rocks are subjected to before they become dressed stones to be used? If the stones could talk they will have a story to tell about their experiences. As children of God we go through diverse experiences and we wonder if we will indeed survive them. Sometimes we wonder why our gracious and compassionate Father would allow such to befall us considering who we are in Him and what we are doing in His vineyard. The Scripture that should readily come to our minds in such circumstances is God’s assurance when He said: “I will be with you when you pass through the waters, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. You will not be scorched when you walk through the fire and the flame will not burn you ” (Isaiah 43:2). This Scripture assures us that through the experiences of flames and waters, God is always by our side to see us through. Thus, it is necessary for us to go through the...
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