One weapon that
the enemy uses to paralyze our relationship with God is the fear and
uncertainty of the unknown plus a distrust of His timings and ways. You might disagree or wonder how this can be.
Several times we have received instructions from God and are equally willing to
carry them out but when the instructions are tested, we falter. This happens
because we assume that since it is God that gave the instructions, nothing
should hinder us; in fact, the whole universe should be on stand still as we
fulfill the said instructions. Sadly, this is simply not the case!
Unfortunately, at this point so many lose faith, become hesitant and unsure of
who they are in Christ. Friend, when we look through Scriptures from Genesis to
Revelation, we find that every person that God gave an instruction faced one
challenge or the other on the road to carrying out the instructions. The
victory is not in getting the instruction but the fulfillment of the
instruction. Therein lays the victory. In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus Christ gave His
disciples instructions to cross with Him to the other side of the Lake. The
Bible says they got into the boat with Him, but do take note that there were
several boats on the shore but He got into one. As they set out in the boat on
the Lake in obedience to His instruction, mighty winds rose and beat ferociously
against the boat that the boat was about to capsize. We were told that Jesus
was in the boat sleeping peacefully unperturbed. Just like many of us would do
in such dire situation, the disciples in an accusing tone called out to the
Master asking if He didn’t care that they drowned after all He gave the
instruction. He got up and rebuked the winds and equally rebuked the disciples for
their unbelief and for being fearful.
Lets back up a bit,
please note that on that day there were many boats (instructions) but He only
gave one instruction (boat) which is the one He got into. It then follows that
only the instructions Jesus Christ gives will He be in. No wonder marriages,
relationships, ambitions, business partnerships and the likes that were not
instructed by the Lord are failing. Please note that all instructions no matter
who gave them will be tested by the winds and only the ones given by the Lord
will get to its safe haven. Remember, from the account many boats were with Him
but He was in only one. The instruction you are carrying out now is it in
conjunction with Christ or He is the One that gave the instruction in the first place? So many gave instructions
to themselves, some other people gave them the instructions and they desire
Christ to walk with them in their quest to fulfilling it. The true test of the validity of the instructions
will come when it faces the winds of opposition. If it is God that gave the
instruction, call upon Him and He will still the storms, if it is not Him,
repent of it and return to His feet to get the proper instruction. If He gives
it, He will watch over it to make sure you do not fail in carrying it out. He
is the Lord of the storms and He has promised never to leave you nor abandon
you. Friend, take Him up on His promise! God bless you.
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