History records that the Book of Revelation
was written by the Apostle John while he was exiled to the Island of Patmos.
It’s worthy of note that this amazing book of the Bible unveils to us the
present ministry of Jesus Christ as our High Priest, watching, pruning and
preparing His church for His coming (Revelation 2&3). Then it goes ahead to
vividly describe the breathtaking glory and power of our Father and His
Heavenly kingdom, heavenly beings and the atmosphere of Holiness and pure
worship that surrounds Him (Revelation 4 & 5). Finally it reveals events
that must take place in these last days and the eternal destiny of all men, both
good and bad. Though not an exhaustive description, yet enough to give us a
glimpse of what the Lord has kept in store for those who love Him, and those
who don’t. Interestingly the name
‘Patmos’ where the Apostle received this revelation to pass on simply means ‘my
killing’. It was known as a sterile island located off the west coast of Asia
Minor. A rocky, barren and desolate area used by the Roman government as a place
of banishment for criminals. The enemy’s desire was to kill his passion, his
zeal, his fervor for the gospel (Revelation 1:9), yet it was at this very place
that God chose to reveal Himself in a new, deep and powerful way.
what are those conditions around you that seem to be limiting you from
flourishing in the things of God? Cheer up! The Alpha and Omega of all creation
lives inside of you. Without Him was nothing made that was made (John 1:3). You
only need to behold him once more. Though Apostle John was exiled to Patmos
where he could not even speak to a soul, yet he like the other Disciples carried
with him the heartbeat of Heaven. Having been a witness of the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, he simply could not get over the conviction that
the greatest desire of heaven was for every soul to be saved and made complete
and perfect in Christ (Colossians 1:28). Friend is this also your heartbeat?
Because of their love for God and their sincere desire to see men come to an
acknowledgement of the truth, God could commit into their hands and hearts the
needed revelations to encourage them and equally prepare the people around
them. Friend, are you simply concerned about coming out of the uncomfortable
place you have found yourself, or like the Apostle you want to see people know
God? One thing is certain, the KING is coming! And all must prepare. For those
who carry this mindset, like the Apostle they simply can’t be restricted.
Heaven is presently releasing grace upon those who will love God more and
thrust themselves into His service like never before, no matter their condition.
Reposition your heart and receive yours today. God bless you.
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