There is an adage that
experience is the best teacher. With this adage in mind, several especially teenagers
and young adults, have been taught to go out and make as many mistakes as
possible so they could learn from them. While it is true that making a mistake
or failing should not be seen as final but a learning point, it does not mean
one should have the mindset of failing always, with the excuse that one will
learn from them. Once we fail, it is expected that we should learn the lessons
and equally put certain workings in place to help detect and correct such
failing before it happens again. These learning are to make us grow and mature
in whatever task we are doing or in particular aspects of our lives. We are not
expected to make a career out of failing with the excuse that ‘failure is not
final’. When infants learn to walk, they fall severally but after awhile their
leg and feet muscles become strong and they are able to walk without falling
We have to learn to cultivate
a mindset that is determined to learn and mature with every experience not a
mindset that looks forward to a repeat performance over and over again before
it can learn. The belief that one should go out and make as many mistakes as
possible in order to learn has swallowed up a lot of wonderful children of God
and has turned them to God-hating people. The world system today is filled with
people from Bible-Believing backgrounds but their vocations have turned them to
be enemies of God. It is true that we are in the world, but as children of God,
we must realize that we are not of the world (John 17:14-15). A song writer
that understood the above concept once sang: “this world is not my home, I’m
just passing through”. Today, as sons of God, we are in danger of treating this
world as home if we believe that experience is our best teacher; a teaching
that encourages people to fail and fail again because we have a God that gives
as many chances as we have need. Esau thought the same (Hebrews 12:16-17), but
he thought wrong! Because of the way we are made as humans, we grow and mature
daily either physically or mentally depending on your age. This is the reason,
we are encouraged to be mindful of such strange teachings from the world: “How happy is the man who does not follow
the advice of the wicked, or take the path of sinners, or join a group of
mockers! Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction and meditates on it
day and night” (Psalm 1:1-2). Friend, circumstances is not the best teacher
because if it is, one will be in danger of embracing the ungodly principles
handed down by the wicked. Rather God and His word is our Best Teacher. We
learn and mature as we are designed to be by applying the lessons of God’s word
to every aspect of our lives. That is why we are encouraged to meditate upon
His word day and night, not to meditate upon the philosophies of men day and
night. Remember, whatever we meditate on in such fashion, dictates our
lifestyle. May the Grace of God that has appeared to all men teach, encourage
and urge you in the path of righteousness in Jesus Christ name. God bless you.
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