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Showing posts from March, 2016

Don’t Be Deceived

      Watching some of the futuristic movies one can conclude that the writers and producers of these movies do not see a good future for mankind because if one machine is not destroying the human race, then one virus is decimating the population. All these mixed messages fuels fears of the unknown, especially about death and immortality; and causing people to buy into ideas that are unimaginable to start with. These mixed and messed up messages form the basis of unrealistic ideas which makes some make up unfounded theories and claims about God and the people of God. It’s as if the whole world has truly gone mad! Unfortunately, these experiences are making some Believers of Christ to question their faith and even look for ways (in their imagination) to better serve God outside His word. All these happenings are orchestrated by the enemy to deceive as many as he can from the True Faith which is in Christ Jesus. For this reason, God’s warning rings out and alert...

Those Situations!

         The situation a person finds himself in can define and refine his character. In fact it can be said that a ‘wise’ man is a product of the situations he has gone through because every situation schools and sharpens his perspective on life. God expects us as His children to be refined by the situations we find ourselves in. This means the situations are used by Him as tools to burn out, trim out and or expose every hint of flesh in us if we let Him. For instance: “Remember that the Lord your God led you on the entire journey these 40 years in the wilderness, so that He might humble you and test you to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commandments. He humbled you by letting you go hungry…” (Deuteronomy 8:2-3a). It is not the intention of God for His children be overwhelmed by the situations they find themselves, but for us to stand, and as we do: “No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Lat...

‘Marketing’ For Jesus!

        I once had a conversation with a young lady concerning evangelism. She stated that her aggressive nature helped bring in people into her Church and for it she has been given commendations and awards. This should be a good thing but it just didn’t sit right with my spirit. And here is why. She argued that she is a very aggressive person at her place of work; the attitude had not only fared her well in her job but had paved way for her promotions. She believes that since it is working in her present position at work, she had used the ‘talent’ in the church to bring in as many souls as she could. When I reminded her that such an attitude was not part of Christ’s; she insisted that her Pastors beg to differ. In fact, they encourage them to be very aggressive in ‘marketing’ for Jesus! This attitude, according to her has yielded results in the Church as she has won awards for bringing a lot of people to the Church using same attitude. So, according...