Watching some of the futuristic movies one can conclude that the writers and producers of these movies do not see a good future for mankind because if one machine is not destroying the human race, then one virus is decimating the population. All these mixed messages fuels fears of the unknown, especially about death and immortality; and causing people to buy into ideas that are unimaginable to start with. These mixed and messed up messages form the basis of unrealistic ideas which makes some make up unfounded theories and claims about God and the people of God. It’s as if the whole world has truly gone mad! Unfortunately, these experiences are making some Believers of Christ to question their faith and even look for ways (in their imagination) to better serve God outside His word. All these happenings are orchestrated by the enemy to deceive as many as he can from the True Faith which is in Christ Jesus. For this reason, God’s warning rings out and alert...
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