once had a conversation with a young lady concerning evangelism. She stated
that her aggressive nature helped bring in people into her Church and for it
she has been given commendations and awards. This should be a good thing but it
just didn’t sit right with my spirit. And here is why. She argued that she is a
very aggressive person at her place of work; the attitude had not only fared her
well in her job but had paved way for her promotions. She believes that since
it is working in her present position at work, she had used the ‘talent’ in the
church to bring in as many souls as she could. When I reminded her that such an
attitude was not part of Christ’s; she insisted that her Pastors beg to differ.
In fact, they encourage them to be very aggressive in ‘marketing’ for Jesus!
This attitude, according to her has yielded results in the Church as she has
won awards for bringing a lot of people to the Church using same attitude. So,
according to her, it must be a good thing! I then asked her, how many of the
people she has brought in aggressively returned and are committed members of
the Church. She was confused and upset as she felt it was not her duty to make
them return or remain but the job of the Pastors; hers is to aggressively bring
them in by using any means necessary as long as the goal is achieved!
It is
true that management and leadership gurus argue and convince students of
management and leadership to use the expertise that grew their companies to
grow the society as well. For this reason, some have brought in their expertise
into the Church and they are yielding awesome results for the Kingdom of God.
However, in this case, an aggressive attitude that may be seen as an asset in
the secular world goes against the attitude of Christ. In fact we saw the Apostles
in their letters pleading with and enjoining the people rather that threatening
and using subversive words to win the audience. Being aggressive is not a
virtue in the Body of Christ, on the contrary, Christ said: “You have heard that it was said ‘An eye for
an eye and a tooth for a tooth’. But I tell you don’t resist and evildoer…And
if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to the one who asks
you and don’t turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you” (Matthew
5:38-42). Aggressiveness may be an asset when one’s secular job is marketing
but in Christ Jesus, God has not called us into marketing for Him. When you
aggressively bring the people in, can you aggressively keep them in the circle
of God’s love? There lies the oxymoron: You cannot be talking of love using
aggression! Jesus Christ, our example, is not aggressive; rather He is gentle,
humble and kind. In His time, He confronted this attitude by flogging it out of
the Temple: “…He overturned the money
changers tables and the chairs of those selling doves, and would not permit
anyone to carry goods through the temple complex…” (Mark 11:15b-16). “He told those who were selling doves, ‘Get
these things out of here! Stop turning My Father’s house into a marketplace!’”
(John 2:16).
Friends, no matter our zeal for God’s house, we cannot use
attitudes that negate God’s word to serve Him. The attitude may take you
through the door but it will not keep you in the room. A vice may be working
for you in the secular but such will be counterproductive in the Body. If truly
we claim to have put on the New Man, then we must completely do away with
everything that is worldly within us (Colossians 3:5-11). Enough of the
aggressive marketing for souls, but we should put on the attitude of humility
and walk as Jesus did so that those that come in as a result of our actions and
words will grow to become committed members of the Body. May the Lord help and
teach you to win souls for the Kingdom as He did in Jesus Christ name. God
bless you!
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