Looking at the conversion of Saul to Paul the Apostle, it is quite instructive for us at this time. In these days, we see oppression from the government to the lay man on the street. Attitudes are developed that negates the possibility of living in union with neighbors that differ from us, either in race, creed or class. The Bible says concerning Saul: “Then Saul still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest…” (Acts 9:1). A ‘devout’ man breathing murderous threats against others because they do not share his beliefs, makes one wonder what manner of devotion he has and to which god. As far as Saul was concerned, he was serving the Almighty God and he was set to kill as many as oppose his god! He had received ‘authority’ from the high priest which gave him the license to be an accuser, judge and executioner all at once. Jesus Christ warned His disciples about this kind of people that will arise after Him: “These...
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