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Have You Met Authority And Are You In Submission Or Rebellion?

        Looking at the conversion of Saul to Paul the Apostle, it is quite instructive for us at this time. In these days, we see oppression from the government to the lay man on the street. Attitudes are developed that negates the possibility of living in union with neighbors that differ from us, either in race, creed or class. The Bible says concerning Saul: “Then Saul still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest…” (Acts 9:1). A ‘devout’ man breathing murderous threats against others because they do not share his beliefs, makes one wonder what manner of devotion he has and to which god. As far as Saul was concerned, he was serving the Almighty God and he was set to kill as many as oppose his god! He had received ‘authority’ from the high priest which gave him the license to be an accuser, judge and executioner all at once. Jesus Christ warned His disciples about this kind of people that will arise after Him: “These things I have spoken to you that you should not be made to stumble. They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service” (John 16:1-2). 
       In these times, so many have received authority from their high priests to make murderous pronouncements from boardrooms to pulpits: All thinking they are in service to God. These pronouncements are deadening the senses of the people to serve God in a manner that is worthy of Him. As a result of these dangerous heretic teachings and policies, God and His judgments are thought to be ineffectual and can be bent to suit their purposes. I realize that it’s not right to be angry with such, but to pray for them because unlike Saul that became Paul they are yet to have an encounter with Whom they profess to serve. When Saul met the One he thought he was serving, everything about him changed. He was not cajoled or threatened, the light of enlightenment filled his heart and he responded in obedience from that moment on: “So he trembling and astonished said. ‘Lord what do You want me to do?’” (Acts 9:6a). This pronouncement came from him when he met the true Authority: “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth’” (Matthew 28:18)! Thus, all authorities on earth come from Him and all will account for it. 
       When a man meets true Authority, enlightenment comes. Such has two options, to either rebel against the Authority or submit to Him. As a child of God, you cannot claim to be under the authority of Christ, if you are working in rebellion against Him. When a man meets True Authority and submits, he is emptied of all pride and left vulnerable and malleable in His hands. A truly born again child of God submits totally to the authority of the Lordship of Christ over everything that concerns him. This submission Christ portrayed for us, thus becoming our example in submitting to the true Authority. The Bible says about Him, He emptied Himself of His deity and took on the garb of a servant. He learnt obedience by the things He suffered: His sufferings did not elicit from him grumbling or murmuring against God the Father. The reason your present sufferings is eliciting frustration, anger and murmurings against God is because you are yet to submit to the True authority!  
       Paul was able to submit to Ananias, a ‘small brother’, because he was emptied of his pride and arrogance when he met the True Authority. Friend, you claim to have submitted to God’s authority as a wife, yet you do not submit to your husband who is your head. Husbands, you claim to have submitted to the authority of Christ as the Lord of your life, yet you find it difficult to love your wife just as Christ loved the Church (warts and all)! Minister, you deliver the words of Christ using the principle of satan which is rebellion. Don’t be deceived, there is no spin one can put to submitting to the authority of Christ Jesus, as failure to do this will result in the following at the end: “Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness” (Matthew 7: 22-23). If you have been walking in rebellion against God by doing things your way, it is time for you to repent and return like Paul to His feet. The reality of the matter is that: “Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son” (2John 9). Is your life, work and ministry tailored under the doctrine of Christ which is submission to the true Authority or you are in rebellion, thus working under the doctrine of satan? The Lord is waiting to hear your response. God bless you and may the eyes of your heart be flooded with the light of His word in Jesus Christ name!


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