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For You…

“Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be shaken” (Psalm 62: 5&6).
       Most people say they do not need encouragement from others when facing one challenge or the other. They argue that they are self-sufficient, self-assured and self-confident. Unfortunately, this is not true! Every person needs assurance at one point or the other to climb to the next level. Take, for instance, in an office; a promotion letter is supposedly an assurance or a nod from the bosses that a person is doing well on the job and is being pushed to the next level. Another staff in that same office feels he deserves it more; such a staff could feel discouraged and is propelled to work harder to prove to his superiors that he is good, if not better than others, or throw himself into a pool of depression. The assurances and affirmations of men can only get us thus far, but when we allow ourselves to be assured and affirmed by the love of Jesus Christ, we can scale any fence, wall, hill, mountain or swim across any size of body of water! 
        The Psalmist understood that the assurances and affirmations of men will fail when one needs them the most because it is not enough to propel one across the potholes of life. Please, don’t get discouraged by what your bosses, superiors, friends and family may throw at you unfairly; God says you should hold on to His word, and you will overcome. Indeed, these discouragements are winds that could blow you off the course of life, but you can turn them into winds under your sails to blow you on the course of life to bring about God’s intention for you at that point of your life: “You planned evil against me; God planned it for good to bring about the present result…” (Genesis 50:20a). The forgoing verse could be your testimony if you believe and fully trust in Jesus Christ’s word concerning you. 
      Therefore, trusting in man for your encouragement and affirmation is like setting yourself up for continual disappointment. God will never disappoint you, but there is a catch: “Trust in Him at all times; you people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is our refuge” (Psalm 63:8). You must pour out your heart to Him continually (not only when you have problems or you will be in danger of Matthew 7:21-23). As you do this, He will in turn direct your steps, with loads of cheers, encouragements and reprimands if you go wrong. You will see a marked change in your life and in your relationships. From Genesis to Revelation, His word to His children is powerful, trustworthy, faithful and righteous to push us forward to attain our purposes on earth. Seek His word out daily and when faced with discouragement, you will turn it to your advantage in Jesus Christ name: “God has spoken once; I have heard this twice: strength belongs to God, and faithful love belongs to You, Lord. For you repay each according to his works” (Psalm 63:11-12). 
         For those who are weak, strong, or barely hanging on…don’t give up; your faithfulness will be surely rewarded! God bless you.


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