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Before You Take That Decision

      I am sure there are some do-overs of past decisions, choices and actions that we would love to do so as not to go through the pain, disappointment and heartbreaks we may currently be experiencing. These things are in the past and God is able to forgive us and deliver us from the repercussions of our past choices if we sincerely ask Him with a repentant heart. Unfortunately, as some would say, ‘life happens’, and, despite knowing the heart of God concerning certain issues, we go ahead and do them anyway. Beloved as we see The Day draw ever closer, it is unwise to live your life in this manner as the repercussions are not bearable. You may argue that it is good to make mistakes, and we should not be afraid of making them as it helps us to grow. This teaching is worldly and it negates the Word of God that says: “All those led by God’s Spirit are God’s sons” (Romans 8:14). This means we can actually live a life devoid of making mistakes. Now understand this: What people may term as a mistake may not be so to God! Thus, our standard for this must be drawn from God and not from the world system and it is His approval that should matter to us: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God…” (2Timothy 2:15a). To do this is not hard because the strength and skill to do this is not of ourselves but the Spirit of God that works powerfully in us (Colossians 1:29). 
       Dinah, Jacob’s daughter made a terrible mistake goaded on by the ways of the world (Genesis 34). The Bible says she befriended and went out to visit the women of the City near where her father’s tents were. This looked harmless but carried dire consequences because the people had a different set of rules from the one that operates in her father’s house. She was captured, molested, raped and disgraced by the prince of the city. After he was done, he professed his love for her and proposed to marry her! One can only imagine what such a marriage would be like; she would be no more than a property to be used and misused as he pleases! 
       Several wonderful children of God have allowed the sights and sounds of the world to seduce them and ensnare them; turning them against the teachings and ways of God. They begin to take decisions outside of God based on their strength, skills and what they think they know. When these decisions back fire down the line they blame everyone but themselves. Beloved, you cannot dance with the things of the world either secretly or openly and hope to get away with it. The poor choices you make today are tomorrow’s down payment for heartache, depression, pain and failure. We never heard of Jacob’s daughter and what became of her. She wasted her time, energy and all that the Lord had put inside of her because of the momentary pleasures of the world. Friend, unlike Dinah, don’t allow the allure of the sounds and sights of this world seduce you and blind you from the dangers that are lurking within: “Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), making the very most of the time (buying up each opportunity), because the days are evil. Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians 5:15-17, AMP). May the Lord grant you understanding in these times, help you to walk right before Him and take decisions that He leads you to take to His glory in Jesus Christ name.


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