I was so happy to run into a young brother the other day; happy
because he left the fellowship and all efforts to ask him why or to reason with
him fell on deaf ears. Eventually he changed his phone number so none in the
fellowship could reach him. My heart was truly filled with joy to see him that
faithful day in the Mall; and as I tried to engage him, he was very
uncomfortable as he was not ready to discuss anything about God. In fact he succinctly
told me that he does not have time for God now until he has made some money;
then he will return to God! To say I was troubled was an understatement. When I
returned home, my heart was heavy and I began to ask God questions concerning
the young man. He was such a vibrant brother, always eager to learn; he was
even one of the leaders. I was truly troubled!
Then the Lord showed me this
Scripture again: “The Kingdom of Heaven
is like treasure, buried in a field that a man found and reburied. Then in his
joy he goes and sells everything he has and buys that field. Again, the Kingdom
of Heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he found one
priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had and bought it” (Matthew
13:44-46). The Bible equally makes us to understand that the day we said yes to
the Lord, we agreed to take on His own life; such that the life we live from
then on is no longer ours but His. We became new creation and old things passed
away. Not just passed away, we totally forgot them so as not to return back to
them. Unfortunately, this is not the reality for so many! It is sad that today,
so many Christians behave as if they were either forced or cajoled to become Christians.
Some even became Christians because they were afraid of going to hell!
We forget
that as sons of God, we must live the life that we claim to have received on a
daily basis not on the days it suits us. The Scripture above likened the
Kingdom of Heaven to a treasure and a priceless jewel. Realistically, when we
find such treasure, we hide it so no one will steal it, then we go sell
whatever we can in order to possess it (even to the extent of selling
everything). We hide this treasure so that the enemy does not steal it or
pollute it. Beloved, the reason it’s so easy for you to turn your back on the
Kingdom of God, because of some pecuniary gain or the attitude of people, is
because the Kingdom is not a treasure to you but a convenience you can live
with or without! Have you not wondered why some ministers have become
motivational speakers or coaches on the pulpit? Beloved the reason you enjoy
listening to them and waiting for them to push you forward is because the
Kingdom is not a treasure to you. For this reason so many have become lazy, and
Christianity has become a fix they are reminded to take in order to push ahead.
You go in search of the five Kingdom principles for greatness, marriage, success
and the likes, when ALL God wants from you is one step: To believe in Him and
sell ALL - “Above all, be strong and very
courageous to carefully observe the whole instruction My servant Moses
commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or the left, so that you will
have success wherever you go” (Joshua 1:7) and “If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you want
and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this: that you produce
much fruit and prove to be My disciples” (John 15:7-8). Beloved, the very
things you are still holding on to from your past life are the very things that will lead you away
from Him. If you still need to be motivated and coached as a son of God to love
God, to follow Him, to obey Him, then it’s time to do a soul search and return
back to your closet; and don’t leave it until the Kingdom of God becomes
treasure to you! May the Lord expand this Word in your heart in Jesus Christ
name. God bless you.
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