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Strictly For Those In The Ministry Of ‘Justice’!

“[That is] because the mind of the flesh [with its carnal thoughts and purposes] is hostile to God, for it does not submit itself to God’s Law; indeed it cannot. So then those who are living the life of the flesh [catering to the appetites and impulses of their carnal nature] cannot please or satisfy God, or be acceptable to Him” (Romans 8:7-8, AMP).
       Who exactly is a Christian in the times we live in? Is it someone that goes to Church, bears a Christian name, born into a Christian family or speaks ‘christianese’? One may argue, a Christian is one that follows the teachings of Christ; carries the mind of Christ: “Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]” (Philippians 2:5, AMP). Therein lies the clincher! Having the attitude and character of Jesus Christ! Discussing with a colleague that claims to be a Christian, some time ago, brought this discussion to mind – who truly is a Christian! 
       The true test of who you are is believing who you claim to be! Because you always act out your beliefs no matter how much you try to hide them! For instance, if you claim to be mature, but infantile in your thinking, words and actions, it makes your assertion of being mature a lie! You believe you are a child and so you act like a child! Your maturity comes when you change your way of thinking or your mindset through deliberate actions on your part: “But solid food is for full-grown men, for those whose senses and mental faculties are trained by practice to discriminate and distinguish between what is morally good and noble and what is evil and contrary either to divine or human law” (Hebrews 5:14, AMP). Remember, as a man thinks in his heart, so he is! 
       Now, this colleague of mine is very fond of bashing the leaders and congregants of the Church. He calls out their hypocrisy, greed, falsehood and the likes at any opportunity he gets. Not that one is excusing these despicable behaviors, but I had to ask him, at what point does he take a look at himself, to make sure he himself is standing in the faith and not falling into the traps that he so readily condemns? “Therefore let anyone who thinks he stands [who feels sure that he has a steadfast mind and is standing firm], take heed lest he fall [into sin]” (1Corinthians 10:12, AMP). There are so many ‘Christians’ that have taken on a ministry that is alien to the ministry (gifts) list or offices given to us by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12). Such sit in the seat of mockers and judge without giving a thought to their own personal lives. As a result, they do not ‘see’ when the enemy comes into their own lives stealthily to sow wild evil tares. If they were mindful, they would have caught it! Beloved, as good as it is ‘to say it as it is’ – to call out good or evil for what it is, one must not neglect one’s own life. God is not a tattle-tale. He makes you see and hear of these acts so you can learn from them: “Now these things happened to them as examples, and they were written as a warning to us, on whom the ends of the ages have come” (1Corinthians 10:11).  On that DAY, you will not be asked about your opinions concerning Pastor, Bishop, Brother or Sister so and so, but you will be asked to give an account of how you lived! 
       You that claim to be a Christian, how much of the attitude and character of Christ are you reflecting among your friends, family, colleagues and neighbors? When these groups of people are asked to describe you in one word, what do you think they will say? You may argue like my colleague, you don’t care what others think about you! And you are right and justified to think so. But you MUST care what God thinks about you, based on His Word when compared with your thoughts, speech and actions. What does your heart tell you concerning this? Is there a sneaky feeling in you that you may not be standing right? Brother, Sister, instead of projecting that feeling of inadequacy unto another, why not first sit down and address the issue of the condition of your heart. You have minded so many buildings, but you have left yours in shambles. The Bible says you should let your light so shine among men that they give glory to your Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16), not that you should go make sure others light up or the manner or color of light they put forth is the right one! 
       You have shamed so many in the Body of Christ; how has it helped your own growth, either physically or spiritually in the things of God? Beloved, as we see the return of the Lord draw ever closer, it is time to look again at the mirror of God’s Word and begin to assess and reassess those areas that are yet to conform to the attitude and character of Jesus Christ. May the Lord open our eyes to see more clearly, in Jesus Christ name: “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith. Examine yourselves. Or do you not recognize for yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you? – unless you fail the test” (2Corinthians 13:5). God bless you!


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